Item Price:$
27.00 (plus shipping)
Two Susun S. Weed herbals, plus a free bonus. Wise Woman Herbal
for the Childbearing Year for the daughter; New Menopausal
Years the Wise Woman Way for the mother, and Moon Days
for you to share. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
gathers natural remedies for all aspects of fertility (including avoiding
it), pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care of mother and babe. New
Menopausal Years, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 gives you
the information you need to "ace" menopause and become a postmenopausal
woman with a healthy heart, strong bones, and great vitality -- without
hormones. BONUS: Our gift to you - a hardbound copy of Moon Days,
a great collection of women's writings on menstruation, edited by Cassie
Premo Steele. This special collection of three insightful books will
delight, surprise, and inspire you and your mother and your daughters!
Retail value is $54.00, you save 50% - Yours for $27.00 plus shipping.
Order now.
Total cost of Mother/Daughter Special is $35.00 ($27.00 + $8 Shipping)