Special Order Form - Item #224

Please send me the Juliette of the Herbs Collection today!

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Juliette of the Herbs Collection
Item Price: $ 49.95 (plus shipping)

Get three of Juliette de Bairacli Levy's classic herbal medicine books plus her ever-popular video and save 20%. Juliette of the Herbs Collection includes:
~ Nature's Children
~ Traveler's Joy
~ Common Herbs for Natural Health
~ Juliette of the Herbs (DVD video)
* The total value of this offer is $63.80 plus shipping.

Total cost of Juliette of the Herbs Collection is $59.45 ($49.95 + $9.50 Shipping)


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1. Print the form above for you convenient use.
2. Fill form out, including your street address so we can send order via UPS!
3. Total cost of Juliette of the Herbs Collection is $59.45 ($49.95 plus $9.50 Shipping)....
4. Include check or money order, made out to: Ash Tree Publishing.
5. Send form by mail to: Ash Tree Publishing, PO Box 64 Woodstock, NY 12498
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